What is the Meaning of Your Work?


Your values, your passions, your heart.
The mission of your business, your practice, your work.

The hopes and dreams you have for your clients.
The goals you have for yourself and your family.

The life you’ve led.
The experiences you’ve had.

The stories you want to tell.
The ideas you need to share.

The structure of your offers.
The strategy behind your marketing.

Your dreams for your own future.
Your desire to heal and renew the world.


All of it

the emotional and strategic,
the practical and magical,
the personal and collective


needs to be part of the conversation
when it comes to your work.

All the parts of you, your story, and your skills
need to be part of developing and
marketing your world-renewing business.

The good news: You’re well versed in the “all of it.”

From your passions to your heartbreak, you pour the fullness of who you are into what you do. That’s what it means to be a healer, a therapist, a teacher, a coach, a thought leader running a business in 2023 and beyond.

You’re seeking a new kind of success in the years to come. Yes, it’s about earning a livelihood for yourself and your family, but you’re motivated by more than the bank statement.

You want to be part of a new way of doing business that measures success according to connection, growth, and healing for the collective, not just for a fortunate few.

The question is: how do you reach more people with your magic and your medicine?

Actually, let’s edit that.

The real questions is how do you reach the right people? The people who need what you offer and who will help spread the word about your remarkable work.

You summon the courage and clarity to look within.

You commit to
telling your story,
embodying your message, and
serving the greater good.


Your story and your quest for meaning
are at the core of the way you do business.

Your story and your desire for meaning inspire you to keep going as an entrepreneur or private practice owner in this uncertain world. They also help to differentiate you from other professionals in what can feel like a crowded marketplace.

And yet, it can be hard to decide how much to share and how to shape the message.

When we work together, I help you ask and answer the essential questions like…

  • Which stories and offerings truly reveal the depths of who you are and what you have to offer?

  • How do you identify and speak to the hopes and longing of the people you long to serve?

  • How do you disentangle yourself from “this is how it has always been” and weave a new way of serving and finding new clients?

Have we met yet? I’m Marisa.

I’m a Story Healer and a Myth Worker. I’m an author and a podcaster. I’m a coach for transformation professionals like you.

I speak the language of the soul. And I’m also a student of the Irish language, too so you could also call me an anam cara (a soul friend) for creative entrepreneurs and healers in private practice.

I also bring you the practical skills of an academic, a copywriter, a website development firm owner, and a digital marketer, too.

Maybe you’ve heard my stories and interviews on KnotWork Storytelling. You may know me from my best-selling book, The Sovereignty Knot: A Woman’s Way to Freedom, Power, Love, and Magic. If you’re a reader or a listener, you know that my passion for Irish mythology, culture, and spirituality inform my approach to life, work, and art.

After more than a decade in business for myself and with fifteen years of training as an energy healer at the Sacred Center Mystery School, I offer you the grounded advice that an entrepreneur needs as I hold space for the understanding that there’s more to success and fulfillment than yearly profits can measure.

I call my kind of coaching the Straight Lines & Spirals approach.
This blend of the magical and the practical offers you the space to explore and the structure you need to grow.

What does coaching with Marisa look and feel like?

Would you be surprised that the services I offer to my coaching clients are as unique as their personal stories and professional practices?

Our coaching journey will include a combination of…

  • Deep dive examinations of your relationship to your work, your clients, and your marketing.

  • Writing prompts and other embodied creative invitations to help you get to the core of your story and expand your professional vision.

  • The development of a sustainable marketing strategy that doesn’t compromise your values (or take over your life). We’ll explore the big picture ideas as well as the nitty gritty of how to approach blogs and newsletters, writing articles and taking on the social media platform of the moment.

  • Review and (re)writing your website, your course, or other “information products.” As I get to know you, your stories, and your vision I can “channel” you on the page and help shape and transform your copy.

  • “The Marisa Magic” including oracle and tarot readings, guided mythical journeys, and energy healing techniques to help you dissolve creative, mental, and emotional blocks. This is the work that may seem to fall outside the scope of “business coaching” but is actually at the heart of the work we’ll do together.

Shall we begin together?

I would love to set up a free 30-minute consultation to talk through your needs and how Meaning of Your Work Coaching can help you grow your business and enhance your quality of life.

A few key details before we connect:

  • Coaching packages require a six month commitment.

  • Your investment will be $1000 per month.

  • You can expect three to four meetings via Zoom per month, plus copywriting, editing, and other on-the-page support between sessions as needed.

If this work sounds both intriguing and inspires you to take action, let’s talk!