From Chapter One of The Sovereignty Knot


My wish for you, for me, for all people is this:

Become so sure and grounded in your individual story that you cannot help but want to share your insights and your newly found power with the collective.

Become so strong in who you are that you can reach out to hold and help with one arm and hold back the tide of distraction, disaffection, and cruelty with the other. 

Become sovereign in your own life, in your own spirit, in your own creativity so you can stand up and support everyone else’s right to be sovereign in theirs.

There won’t be many straight lines in this book, so let’s begin with one of the curviest spots in the world: an Irish country road…


The Sovereignty Knot:
A Woman’s Way to Freedom, Power, Love, and Magic

is now available

The Sovereignty Knot is your guide to using your voice, finding your way, and deepening your connection to the earth and your own creative nature. 

Through writing prompts, personal stories, and tales from Irish folklore and Celtic mythology, you are invited to: 

  • Bring more passion, wonder, and magic into your life

  • Nurture your independence and individuality—even if you’re a partner and a parent

  • Free yourself of the restrictive perceptions of time and aging

Discover your own tangle of fears and hopes, roles and responsibilities, mistakes and triumphs in these pages. When you uncover, heal, and feel empowered by your own story, you’re able to heal and empower others.

Your Sovereignty matters. Your Sovereignty can transform everything.

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Marisa knows in her bones the Celtic literature and tradition of Sovereignty. She is a gracious, inspiring teacher, with a sense of humor matched by a sense of wonder! You don't have to be a Celt to explore with Marisa how to stand in your Sovereignty!

From the foreword by Elizabeth Cunningham, author of The Maeve Chronicles


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